So, I’m trying to get a handle on where we as an industry are fitting Responsive design into our everyday business – we might have grasped designing with fluid layouts, percentages and em’s but from a logistical point of view, how have we integrated it into what we already do?
I want to try and get a clear overview on where we are at, as an industry, and I need your help.
If you can spare less than a minute, please fill out my very short, anonymous, survey here.
If you can spare more than a minute, perhaps five – I’m trying to put together a video of various people around the world just saying a sentence or two answering either, or both, of the following questions – no more than 20 seconds if possible. If you could send by close of play tomorrow (29th June) that would be fabulous!
1) What does responsive design mean to you? (you can be as candid as you want, if you find it a pain in the ass, say so!)
2) How has it changed the way you present designs to clients?
If you want to record it on your Mac/PC and send the video file to me via email (sarah (at) youknowwhodesign (dot) com) you will be doing the community a huge favour and make me smile. Thank you so much.