An Event Apart 2017 Discount Code
If you’d like to come along, I’ve got a discount code that will get you a cool $100 off the ticket price. Just use the code AEAPARM to redeem at the checkout. I make no secret that speaking at An Event Apart is one of the highlights of my year. I still feel incredibly lucky […]
Geek Mental Health Week
This has been written as part of the Geek Mental Health Week – starting on Monday October 3rd 2016. You can hear me read this as an audioblog – 8 minutes. T his time of year is a strange one for me, it feels like death is in the air – I see it in […]
The Elephant In The Room

You can listen to me read this as an audio-blog (7 minutes). I stood at the back of the auditorium of a popular web design conference listening to the next speaker. I had that calm sense of euphoria that imposter-syndrome-speakers always get when they come off stage and at least have the sense to know […]
Side Project:

About 7 months ago I started working on a little problem I had always been keen to solve; irritating synthetic eyelashes. This might not seem logical to everyone who knows me in webby land, however, you cannot beat having the skill set to create, design, manufacture and code, all without having to use external people. […]